The Islamic Republic regime seems intent on getting all the propaganda mileage it can out of the captured members of the British Royal Navy. Below, the video of the latest “confession” televised on Iranian state television, from Nathan Thomas Summers (the sound kicks in after about seven seconds):
And here’s the earlier “confession,” from Leading Seaman Faye Turney:
Finally, here’s the text of the second letter that was apparently dictated to Turney by her captors:
Unfortunately during the course of our mission we entered into Iranian waters. Even through our wrongdoing, they have still treated us well and humanely, which I am and always will be eternally grateful.
I ask the representatives of the House of Commons, after the Government have promised that this type of incident would not happen again, why have they let this occur, and why has the Government not been questioned over this?
Isn’t it time for us to start withdrawing our forces from Iraq and let them determine their own future?
Faye Turney 27/3/07.