In case you’re not in the practice of doing so, I highly recommend clicking through to WPR’s daily Media Roundup as a supplement to your regular news aggregator if you have one, or as an intelligent survey of the morning’s top news and commentary if you don’t. That’s where I ran across this Henry Kissinger op ed on the globalization backlash and what to do to keep it from gathering steam. The irony of the current wave of protectionist sentiment is that it’s coming from the “consumer” nations, and is accompanied by the growing sentiment that globalization poses not only an economic, but a strategic threat to the developed world. One of the more alarming aspects of getting older is the extent to which I increasingly find myself agreeing with Henry Kissinger. So be it.
I’ve been convinced for a while that this is a delicate time for globalization. Left unbridled, it can easily lead to strategic decay (think wealth transfers and foreign ownership of vital sectors). But any attempt to rein it in too abruptly could create a system of parallel markets that could risk coalescing into competing spheres on influence. The biggest problem is that now my thoughts on the matter have taken on a heavy German accent.