In a scene from a compelling documentary called “Dreaming of Denmark,” two teenagers sit on a snowy European slope, chatting in Danish. When one of them, Mussa, describes himself as Danish, the other, his Afghan friend named Wasi, reminds him he’s Ethiopian. “Oh, yeah,” Mussa says, giggling. He had just obtained his Danish passport, after three years of living in a shelter for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in Denmark, and was clearly well on his way to building a life in his new homeland. The scene was filmed in 2014, but couldn’t be more relevant today. The question on the minds […]
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The refugee crisis dominated last month’s European Union summit in Brussels, but the U.K.’s planned referendum on whether or not to stay in the EU was also on the agenda. Although a final agreement was not reached, all sides committed to work toward finding solutions and resolving British demands on renegotiating the status of its EU membership at the next summit in February. The U.K. referendum is expected to take place this summer, but the exact date has yet to be decided. While his government was implementing unpopular austerity measures in January 2013, British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that, […]