I wanted to flaga story from Inside the Pentagon about whether the Chinese are aiming to interfere with U.S. military space capabilities. The article quotes U.S. Strategic Command Chief Gen. James Cartwright as saying that China has not yet actually interfered with U.S. operations in space. However, it’s also clear from the article that U.S. military officials believe China is actively pursuing weapons that could be used to counter U.S. space-based capabilities, upon which the modern military heavily relies for communications, navigation and intelligence gathering. The article is timely because the Bush administration recently released a new National Space Policy […]
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Two items I came across today tell two sides of the same story: Computer network attack and defense are a growing part of 21st century warfare. The first item adds to the mounting body of evidence that Islamists and terrorists are seeking to use computers and the Internet to wage holy war. The Jamestown Foundation’s Terrorism Focus yesterday reported that Islamists, sparked by the Pope’s recent comments, have set up a new Web site “to help organize an electronic jihad against websites that insult Islam and Islamic sacred figures.” The Terrorism Focus story continues: The site has been well publicized […]