Jim Lehrer speaks to Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Ellen Tauscher about Iran, China and the Nuclear Summit. Tauscher talks about the progress President Obama has made in his efforts to persuade countries attending the summit to better secure their nuclear stockpiles. She says that not only has Obama recieved a committment from attendees to better secure their nuclear material, but the group as also committed to reconvene in 2012 in South Korea to continue to tackle the issue. Having trouble viewing this video? Click here to watch.
President Barack Obama talks to the press about his initial talks onthe sidelines of the Nuclear Summit and his agenda for the conference.Obama emphasizes the need to secure nuclear materials globally toensure that stray material does not make it into the wrong hands. Obamasingles out South Africa as an example of a leader innon-proliferation, having started a nuclear program and then laterdeciding to reverse their actions.