The Sahara no-man’s land of Northern Africa has proven to be a breedingground for an offshoot of Al Qaida. The group operates in the borderareas between Algeria, Mauritania, Mali and Morocco and may beresponsible for several disappearances in Mauritania. Al Jazeera hasexclusive footage of the fighters in their dessert camps. Mohammed Vallreports from Mauritania.
Al-Qaida has claimed responsibility for the failed Christmas Day planebombing, and since then, Yemeni security forces have begun aconcentrated attack against militants with the help of U.S. specialforces. WorldFocus’ Martin Savidge speaks with military analyst AnthonyCordesman about the U.S. role in Yemen. Cordesman says that bringingstability to the crumbling nation may be beyond military help.
More than a week after an attempted terrorist attack on a Christmas dayflight to Detroit, President Barack Obama talks to the nation in hisweekly address.The attack, reportedly organized in Yemen, highlights a hole in U.S.intelligence operations. Obama’s plan to fight extremism in the fragilenation of Yemen includes strengthening and cooperating with the Yemenigovernment.