Special Report: Naval Rivalry, Maritime Diplomacy

Special Report: Naval Rivalry, Maritime Diplomacy
Territorial disputes to determine control of offshore energy reserves and multinational efforts to secure global shipping lanes are increasingly driving naval competition and international politics. Be it in the South China Sea, the Indian Ocean or the Arctic Ocean, maritime security and diplomacy will in part determine the emerging global order. This World Politics Review special report examines diplomacy and strategy in the world’s waterways.

Below are links to each article in this special report, which subscribers can read in full. Not a subscriber? Purchase this document for Kindle or as a PDF from Scribd. Or subscribe to WPR now.

Naval Strategy

The Future of U.S. Naval Power
By Robert Farley
September 14, 2010

Iranian Rescue Validates U.S. Navy’s Cooperative Strategy
By Robert Farley
January 11, 2012

Amphibious Ops a Dual-Use Tool for U.S. Policy Kit
By Robert Farley
February 15, 2012

Below the Surface: The Implications of Asia’s Submarine Arms Race
By Abraham M. Denmark
December 6, 2011

Iran Seizes Opportune Moment to Project Naval Power
By Abhijit Singh
June 14, 2011

Seeds of Confrontation: The New Naval Balance in the Eastern Mediterranean
By Eric Grove
December 6, 2011

South China Sea Tensions

China’s Naval Buildup and its Implications for the Asia-Pacific Region
By Abraham Denmark and Zachary Hosford
September 14, 2010

China, Taiwan Warming to Military Cooperation in the South China Sea?
By Jens Kastner
August 10, 2011

China Uses Surveillance Vessels to Enforce Claims
By Abhijit Singh
June 23, 2011

Vietnam, India Boost Naval Ties to Counter China
By Saurav Jha
July 29, 2011

Territorial Disputes

Why Russia Is Challenging Japan Over Kurils
By Richard Weitz
March 1, 2011

Global Insider: Japan-South Korea Territorial Dispute
An interview with Min Gyo Koo
April 1, 2011

India, China in Race for the Bottom in Indian Ocean
By Saurav Jha
October 5, 2011

Bangladesh-Myanmar Maritime Border Fix Puts Bay of Bengal in Play
By Jared Bissinger
September 29, 2011

Falklands Drilling Reignites U.K.-Argentina Dispute
By Eliot Brockner
February 24, 2010

The Piracy Problem

The Somali Piracy Model: Coming to a Sea Near You
By Jamie Lynn De Coster and Matthew Herbert
February 22, 2012

Rethinking Our Approach to Piracy
By Robert Farley
March 9, 2011

India Needs a New Strategy to Deal With Somali Piracy
By Saurav Jha
April 21, 2011

Global Insider: West African Piracy
An interview with Martin N. Murphy
November 1, 2011

Arctic Cooperation and Conflict

EUCOM Must Step Up Cooperation to Secure the Arctic
By William Johansson
December 8, 2011

Relocating the Reset: U.S.-Russian Partnership in the Arctic
By Caitlyn Antrim
February 29, 2012

BP-Rosneft Oil Partnership Breaks New Ground
By Richard Weitz
January 18, 2011

By Paul McLeary
May 19, 2010