Most expats have a love/hate relationship with the N.Y. Times, with the love consisting of that moment of eager anticipation upon seeing that the paper of record has deigned to cover one's adoptive country, and the hate consisting of apoplectic exasperation at the trivial "color" pieces it generally runs or how far off the mark its more serious coverage is. Like drivers, the vast majority of whom rate themselves as above average, expats universally consider themselves more qualified than their local Times reporter.
As if to put that notion to rest, the Times magazine ran not one, but two solid long-form pieces on the European Union this week. The first, by Paul Krugman, is the most informative and balanced overview of the eurozone crisis that I've seen to date. The second, by Steven Erlanger, is a virtuoso combination of portrait and analysis to explain the politics behind the union's current challenges.
In addition to highly recommending both articles, I'll add a few comments.