The Implications of China’s Rise for Asia and the World

The Implications of China’s Rise for Asia and the World
Chinese performers participate in a cultural dance at Ditan Park to mark the first day of the Lunar New Year, Beijing, Feb. 8, 2016 (AP photo by Andy Wong).

In this special edition of the Trend Lines podcast, WPR Editor-in-Chief Judah Grunstein and host Peter Dörrie talk about China’s rise as an economic and political power and the implications for Asia and the rest of the world. The discussion coincides with a panel WPR is sponsoring on China’snaval, economic and cyber ambitionsand the implications for the U.S. at the St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs on Feb. 19.


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Trend Lines is produced, edited and hosted by Peter Dörrie, a freelance journalist and analyst focusing on security and resource politics in Africa. He can be followed on Twitter at @peterdoerrie.